installation // Transfer / 갈아타다: Korean and British Abstract Painting and the Digital Document

10 people were invited to comment on a digital reproduction of DIALOGUE (2014), a painting by LEE UFAN // until April 14, the Korean Cultural Centre UK presents TRANSFER, a workshop-style exhibition that explores the digital documentation of painting. It consists of paintings juxtaposed with forms of digital documentation, and focuses on works from both the UK and South Korea which have been made over the past thirty years. Transfer / 갈아타다: Korean and British Abstract Painting and the Digital Document //

Simon Eaves | Sooyeon Hong | Alan Johnston | Inyoung Kim | Kim Taek Sang |
Michael Kidner | Lee Ufan | Simon Morley | Anna Mossman | Rafaël |
Daniel Sturgis with Jung-Ah Woo